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array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4631" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "6" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(34) "Gateway (BrE) (2 Ed) A1+: Workbook" ["short_name"]=> string(34) "Gateway (BrE) (2 Ed) A1+: Workbook" ["description"]=> string(102) "The Workbook mirrors the Student's Book in its organisation, providing a wealth of extra grammar and.." ["price"]=> string(12) "193,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(12) "174,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(10) ["tax"]=> string(12) "174,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(85) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/gateway-bre-2-ed-a1-workbook-p4631.html" }
Gateway (BrE) (2 Ed) A1+: Workbook

The Workbook mirrors the Student's Book in its organisation, providing a wealth of extra grammar and..

174,000 VNĐ

193,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4628" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "6" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(79) "Doodle Town (2 Ed.) 3: Student's Book And Digital Student's Book With Navio App" ["short_name"]=> string(63) "Doodle Town (2 Ed.) 3: Student's Book And Digital Student's ..." ["description"]=> string(102) "Doodle Town is a captivating 4-level pre-primary course designed to stimulate the imagination of you.." ["price"]=> string(12) "235,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> bool(false) ["specialPercent"]=> int(0) ["tax"]=> string(12) "235,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(132) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/doodle-town-2-ed-3-student-s-book-and-digital-student-s-book-with-navio-app-p4628.html" }
Doodle Town (2 Ed.) 3: Student's Book And Digital Student's Book With Navio App

Doodle Town is a captivating 4-level pre-primary course designed to stimulate the imagination of you..

235,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4626" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "6" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(79) "Doodle Town (2 Ed.) 2: Student's Book And Digital Student's Book With Navio App" ["short_name"]=> string(63) "Doodle Town (2 Ed.) 2: Student's Book And Digital Student's ..." ["description"]=> string(102) "Doodle Town is a captivating 4-level pre-primary course designed to stimulate the imagination of you.." ["price"]=> string(12) "265,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(12) "226,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(15) ["tax"]=> string(12) "226,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(132) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/doodle-town-2-ed-2-student-s-book-and-digital-student-s-book-with-navio-app-p4626.html" }
Doodle Town (2 Ed.) 2: Student's Book And Digital Student's Book With Navio App

Doodle Town is a captivating 4-level pre-primary course designed to stimulate the imagination of you..

226,000 VNĐ

265,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4625" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "5" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(36) "Doodle Town (2 Ed.) 2: Activity book" ["short_name"]=> string(36) "Doodle Town (2 Ed.) 2: Activity book" ["description"]=> string(102) "Doodle Town is a captivating 4-level pre-primary course designed to stimulate the imagination of you.." ["price"]=> string(12) "156,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(12) "133,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(15) ["tax"]=> string(12) "133,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(89) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/doodle-town-2-ed-2-activity-book-p4625.html" }
Doodle Town (2 Ed.) 2: Activity book

Doodle Town is a captivating 4-level pre-primary course designed to stimulate the imagination of you..

133,000 VNĐ

156,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4624" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "6" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(79) "Doodle Town (2 Ed.) 1: Student's Book And Digital Student's Book With Navio App" ["short_name"]=> string(63) "Doodle Town (2 Ed.) 1: Student's Book And Digital Student's ..." ["description"]=> string(102) "Doodle Town is a captivating 4-level pre-primary course designed to stimulate the imagination of you.." ["price"]=> string(12) "265,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(12) "226,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(15) ["tax"]=> string(12) "226,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(132) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/doodle-town-2-ed-1-student-s-book-and-digital-student-s-book-with-navio-app-p4624.html" }
Doodle Town (2 Ed.) 1: Student's Book And Digital Student's Book With Navio App

Doodle Town is a captivating 4-level pre-primary course designed to stimulate the imagination of you..

226,000 VNĐ

265,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4561" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "5" ["thumb"]=> string(99) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/cache/gallery/sach ngoai van/c1f1fc6836a36d888efa21dc3ca3ae72-335x500.jpg" ["name"]=> string(62) "Keynote (Asia Ed.) (AmE) 3B: Student Book with MyKeynoteOnline" ["short_name"]=> string(50) "Keynote (Asia Ed.) (AmE) 3B: Student Book with ..." ["description"]=> string(102) "Inspiring communication Featuring remarkable people communicating passionately and persuasively, TED.." ["price"]=> string(12) "100,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> bool(false) ["specialPercent"]=> int(0) ["tax"]=> string(12) "100,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(113) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/keynote-asia-ed-ame-3b-student-book-with-mykeynoteonline-p4561.html" }
Keynote (Asia Ed.) (AmE) 3B: Student Book with MyKeynoteOnline

Inspiring communication Featuring remarkable people communicating passionately and persuasively, TED..

100,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4520" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "5" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(33) "600 Essential Words for the IELTS" ["short_name"]=> string(33) "600 Essential Words for the IELTS" ["description"]=> string(102) "This edition has been revised to match the format of the latest TOEIC and includes fifty vocabulary-.." ["price"]=> string(11) "30,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> bool(false) ["specialPercent"]=> int(0) ["tax"]=> string(11) "30,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(90) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/600-essential-words-for-the-ielts-p4520.html" }
600 Essential Words for the IELTS

This edition has been revised to match the format of the latest TOEIC and includes fifty vocabulary-..

30,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4518" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "5" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(57) "Clifford Big Red Reader: The Show-And-Tell Surprise (New)" ["short_name"]=> string(57) "Clifford Big Red Reader: The Show-And-Tell Surprise (New)" ["description"]=> string(102) "Emily Elizabeth can't find anything special enough for show-and-tell, until Clifford gives her an id.." ["price"]=> string(11) "94,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(11) "57,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(39) ["tax"]=> string(11) "57,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(111) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/clifford-big-red-reader-the-show-and-tell-surprise-new-p4518.html" }
Clifford Big Red Reader: The Show-And-Tell Surprise (New)

Emily Elizabeth can't find anything special enough for show-and-tell, until Clifford gives her an id..

57,000 VNĐ

94,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4517" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "6" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(85) "Q Skills for Success Intro : Reading with Writing : Student Book with Online practice" ["short_name"]=> string(63) "Q Skills for Success Intro : Reading with Writing : Student ..." ["description"]=> string(2) ".." ["price"]=> string(12) "195,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(12) "166,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(15) ["tax"]=> string(12) "166,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(138) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/q-skills-for-success-intro-reading-with-writing-student-book-with-online-practice-p4517.html" }
array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4514" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "5" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(108) "Barron’s How To Prepare For The TOEIC Bridge Test With Audio Compact Discs (Kèm 2 CD) – Tái Bản 2016" ["short_name"]=> string(60) "Barron’s How To Prepare For The TOEIC Bridge Test With ..." ["description"]=> string(119) "Tài liệu luyện thi Barrons How To Prepare For The TOEIC Bridge Test giúp người học thực hiện cả hai .." ["price"]=> string(11) "30,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> bool(false) ["specialPercent"]=> int(0) ["tax"]=> string(11) "30,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(159) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/barron’s-how-to-prepare-for-the-toeic-bridge-test-with-audio-compact-discs-kem-2-cd-–-tai-ban-2016-p4514.html" }
Barron’s How To Prepare For The TOEIC Bridge Test With Audio Compact Discs (Kèm 2 CD) – Tái Bản 2016

Tài liệu luyện thi Barrons How To Prepare For The TOEIC Bridge Test giúp người học thực hiện cả hai ..

30,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4515" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "5" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(51) "(8CD) Building Skills For The Toefl Ibt - Beginning" ["short_name"]=> string(51) "(8CD) Building Skills For The Toefl Ibt - Beginning" ["description"]=> string(2) ".." ["price"]=> string(11) "30,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> bool(false) ["specialPercent"]=> int(0) ["tax"]=> string(11) "30,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(104) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/8cd-building-skills-for-the-toefl-ibt-beginning-p4515.html" }
array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4182" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "5" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(17) "We'Re All Wonders" ["short_name"]=> string(17) "We'Re All Wonders" ["description"]=> string(102) "I know I can't change the way I look. But maybe, just maybe, people can change the way they see... F.." ["price"]=> string(12) "230,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(12) "184,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(20) ["tax"]=> string(12) "184,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(74) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/we-re-all-wonders-p4182.html" }
We'Re All Wonders

I know I can't change the way I look. But maybe, just maybe, people can change the way they see... F..

184,000 VNĐ

230,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "2689" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "6" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(24) "Food for Thought Level 3" ["short_name"]=> string(24) "Food for Thought Level 3" ["description"]=> string(109) "Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading.        Well-writ.." ["price"]=> string(12) "108,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(11) "81,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(25) ["tax"]=> string(11) "81,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(81) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/food-for-thought-level-3-p2689.html" }
Food for Thought Level 3

Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading.        Well-writ..

81,000 VNĐ

108,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "3152" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "6" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(63) "Oxford Read and Discover 6: Food Around the World Audio CD Pack" ["short_name"]=> string(62) "Oxford Read and Discover 6: Food Around the World Audio CD ..." ["description"]=> string(102) "These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating in.." ["price"]=> string(11) "88,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(11) "71,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(19) ["tax"]=> string(11) "71,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(119) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/oxford-read-and-discover-6-food-around-the-world-audio-cd-pack-p3152.html" }
Oxford Read and Discover 6: Food Around the World Audio CD Pack

These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating in..

71,000 VNĐ

88,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4069" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "6" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(31) "Oxford Learner's Pocket Grammar" ["short_name"]=> string(31) "Oxford Learner's Pocket Grammar" ["description"]=> string(102) "Oxford Learner's Pocket Grammar is a genuinely pocket-sized reference book that is ideal for revisio.." ["price"]=> string(12) "210,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(12) "147,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(30) ["tax"]=> string(12) "147,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(88) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/oxford-learner-s-pocket-grammar-p4069.html" }
Oxford Learner's Pocket Grammar

Oxford Learner's Pocket Grammar is a genuinely pocket-sized reference book that is ideal for revisio..

147,000 VNĐ

210,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "4511" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "6" ["thumb"]=> string(40) "https://bookmedi.vn/image/Noimagebig.jpg" ["name"]=> string(47) "Global Stage 4: Literacy Book And Language Book" ["short_name"]=> string(47) "Global Stage 4: Literacy Book And Language Book" ["description"]=> string(102) "The Students Book pack contains the Language Book, the Literacy Book and access codes to Navio. The .." ["price"]=> string(12) "835,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(12) "668,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(20) ["tax"]=> string(12) "668,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(103) "https://bookmedi.vn/english-language-teaching/global-stage-4-literacy-book-and-language-book-p4511.html" }
Global Stage 4: Literacy Book And Language Book

The Students Book pack contains the Language Book, the Literacy Book and access codes to Navio. The ..

668,000 VNĐ

835,000 VNĐ

Đang hiển thị từ 49 đến 64 của 708 (45 trang)