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array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "2083" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "6" ["thumb"]=> string(87) "" ["name"]=> string(15) "The Pearl Thief" ["short_name"]=> string(15) "The Pearl Thief" ["description"]=> string(102) "From the internationally acclaimed bestselling author of Code Name Verity comes a stunning new story.." ["price"]=> string(12) "148,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(12) "126,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(15) ["tax"]=> string(12) "126,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(60) "" }
The Pearl Thief

From the internationally acclaimed bestselling author of Code Name Verity comes a stunning new story..

126,000 VNĐ

148,000 VNĐ

array(13) { ["product_id"]=> string(4) "1954" ["stock_status_id"]=> string(1) "6" ["thumb"]=> string(87) "" ["name"]=> string(72) "The Eyes Of Darkness : A Terrifying Horror Novel Of Unrelenting Suspense" ["short_name"]=> string(55) "The Eyes Of Darkness : A Terrifying Horror Novel Of ..." ["description"]=> string(104) "A search for a missing son... and a toxic mystery that threatens the globe.   'Did a 1981 Dean Koont.." ["price"]=> string(12) "244,000 VNĐ" ["special"]=> string(12) "196,000 VNĐ" ["specialPercent"]=> float(20) ["tax"]=> string(12) "196,000 VNĐ" ["minimum"]=> string(1) "1" ["rating"]=> int(0) ["href"]=> string(115) "" }
The Eyes Of Darkness : A Terrifying Horror Novel Of Unrelenting Suspense

A search for a missing son... and a toxic mystery that threatens the globe.   'Did a 1981 Dean Koont..

196,000 VNĐ

244,000 VNĐ

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